Sunday, June 3

Honorary Journalist

We spend a lot of time on the Austin board over at One of our favorite, and most trustworthy, writers is MPH. He is always dead-on with his reviews and we have found many a good eat by following his lead. He recently posted his ever expanding "Best of Austin Taqueria" list and we can't wait to visit these fine establishments and try them ourselves. For now, head on over to Chowhound and check out the impressive list of recommendations and get busy eating tacos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MPH is definitely one of the best resources for all taco locations. I've followed his lead and tried to lead on his recommendation numerous time. I'd love to see the crew at TJ get over to the nest of trailers, trucks and one-timers that are located at La Pulga on Pleasant Valley south of Riverside. I posted in response to MPH's Part 13 on the mercado shortly before being blocked from Chowhound, and I can verify a veritable cornucopia of offerings that could keep your pages stocked for weeks to come.