So here's the thing with coffee shops and tacos. Most of the time, they just don't mix. Not because tacos don't go with a good cup of Joe but because most cafe's around town don't make 'em good. Now the smart coffee shops bring in their tacos from local places and I prefer the ones that go well with my Doña sauce. Just sayin'.
There is a new coffee shop in town, circa 2012 and it's called Cenote. It's right off East Cesar Chavez and if you get there early enough, you might miss the crowd of los hipsters. As a #newdaddychronicle, I have no problems getting there early enough to avoid tight jeans and provocative shirts with provocative messages on them. Below is the early bird with kiddos in tow shot.

Now to the tacos. Yes, they do have house-made corn tortillas, yes, their chickens are happy - the eggs are todo organics y todo, the bacon is thick cut and is flown in from the hill country or something like dat. And yes, it is goooood. I tell ya, this little cafe knows their huevos! The price is pretty good too. For $350 a pop you can score a big breakfast taco. I have sobres (extras) on mine and can make two. The salsa is sweet, citrus-ee and spicy. Y'know living in the eastside sometimes it's nice to get something a little different, mas tasty y less greasy. From the huevos to the torts and the fixin's, this place is pretty spot on. Although sometimes I tend to need a little more sabor or pimienta with these tacos but the salsa matches it up. The only thing that messes things up with Cenote is the service. The staff isn't rude but they slowly jab at you for asking for extra little things. It just doesn't sit well with me. Other than that, they pretty good!
Cenote - 3.25 Estars!
1010 East Cesar Chavez
Austin, TX 78702
Phone: (512) 524-1311
For $350 that better be un enorme taco.
That's how much a breakfast taco costs in Brooklyn. Fact.
You're entirely correct about the sevice -- incompetent, uncaring and downright shitty attitudes. I've gotten better help at the damn taco bell on Oltorf.
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